Monday, September 5, 2011

Tuesday, September 6

Working on:
1. Hand back letters and go over - run-ons, capitals...
2. Presentations
3. Accpetance - read short story (very short) with five comp questions
4. Song Lyric Assignment - go over "I Am My Hair" as an example.  Handout - assignment and rhyme schemes.
5. Working on song lyric assignment.
6. Short Story "Borders"

Your identity is who you are.  It has been built by you and shaped by your family, friends and community.  By exploring who you are and finding out more about your friends, classmates and others as individuals you gain a stronger sense of self.  In turn, by knowing yourself, you can consider who you want to become and be open to changes (and conflicts) that you will encounter as you journey through life.

Possible Questions for Deeper Understanding:
  • From where does our sense of identity come?
  • What makes each person unique and interesting?
  • How do people express their individuality?
  • How do people change as they journey through life?
  • How do we keep our self-identity yet, at the same time, become part of a community?

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