Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Song Lyric Assignments

We will finish listening to the song lyric assignments tomorrow.  Students are also finishing up questions from the short story "Borders" and completing some grammar work on simple and complex sentences.

Students must also continue reading their novels that they selected.  Each novel must relate to our unit of study - In Search of Self.

Students must check their student email to analyze their song lyric presentation.
1.  Analyze your voice - loudness, clarity, pacing...
2. Analyze your posture, eye contact and body movements.
3. Analyze the flow of the presentation: were they unnecessary pauses?  Were you rushing?
4. Did you forget anything?  If so, what?
5. Overall, describe your presentation, and inlcude at least one aspect that you plan to target for your next presentation.

Answer and hand in - or email to me.

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