Friday, September 30, 2011

Short Story Assignment

Grade Nine English Language Arts
In Search of Self
Creative Writing Assignment

Your assignment is to write a short story, or a personal anecdote, describing an event in your life that helped you to understand yourself.  This event may be small in nature or very large.  For example, it may be attending a friend’s birthday party or it may be when your parents got divorced.  The event may be recent or it may be from several years ago.  This event must include some discovery or realization about you.
You must write in first person and you must consider word choice, organization, voice, conventions, and sentence fluency (handouts).  Your story must be at least 1500 words.
You must include pre-writing, drafting and a good typed copy with a title page.  You must have at least TWO people edit and proofread your story.  They must use two different colors and sign their names on the draft.

The story will be due on Tuesday, October 11th.

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