Wednesday, August 25, 2010


We are beginning ELA Unit #1: In Search of Self
Grade 9 ELA

Today we read a short story, Acceptance, which is about 10 lines, and we just started answering the questions. Tomorrow we will finish the questions and work on an 8 ½ x 11 poster.

- Choose any computer program or just use pencil and colors.

- Illustrate the importance of being true to yourself.

- Your poster must contain a slogan.

- It must be original.

- You must create a rough draft in your notebooks.

- You must have at least one visual.

- You must consider the tone – (informal, funny…)

- Remember that you are communicated to their audience the importance of being true to yourself.

Posters must be handed in, our next selection will be Borders from our package.

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