Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In Search of Self

Your first blogging assignment is to answer the following question:

How do people try to "fit in" and why do you think it is so important for most people to "fit in"?

Answer by commenting on this post.


  1. I think that people try to fit in by changing there image. They could do this by changing the clothes they wear, to change there personalitiy, or try to 'buy' the 'cool kids'. I think that most people think 'fitting in' is so important because everyone wants to feel wanted, right? Also, there isn't alot of people who'd rather have no friends, then have some.

  2. people try to fit in all sorts of ways. they try to wear the same clothes as their friends, they talk the same as them, even make poor decisions to stop peer pressure. kids try to fit in because it stops peer pressure and bullying. I believe people should try to lead more often then follow.

  3. Lots of people wanting acceptance from a certain clique. Everyone wants to be accepted because it gives them a feeling of security. Being labeled as a geek or a freak isn't the best feeling in the world. Its human nature. Put 100 people in a room, they're not going to stand there and talk to everyone, they're going to clump into little groups of people who have the same interests as them.

  4. I think people try to fit in by changing who they are,by changing there cloths, there personality, etc. i think it's important for people to fit in because there afraid of being alone, or they want to fit in because of peer presure. they might want to fit in because they were bullied before, and b changing who they it might make the bullying stop.

  5. I think that people change thier image and even a little bit of their personality to fit in with other people. They may also copy what everyone else is doing just to fit in. For example: Smoking, drinking etc. Some people feel that it is important to fit in because they don't want to be a "loner" or have no friends. So some people will do whatever it takes just to fit in.


  6. I think people try to fit in because they want to be like everybody else. They probably don't want to be different and try to fit in. So they do things like trying to dress the same and act the same. I think in some ways it is important for people to fit in because they can be kind of like everybody else and have friends. but still no one is alike.
    BY: Tristin. E

  7. People try to fit in by changing what they wear, and there personality. You see a group of popular kids joining a sport or an activity, so you go and join. You see a popular kid wearing a brand name sweater so you go out and buy one. People try to fit in because they want to feel wanted, i mean, who doesnt?? Nobody. It is important to fit in because you need friends. Everybody needs someone to talk to, and someone to support you going through a tough time. I think friends are more of a neccesity than a want. I think everyone in this world wants and NEEDS a friend.

  8. People try to fit in by copying the people who they are trying to fit in with. they copy their cloth and how they act. I think people want to fit in because they want to be "normal" and so they wont be made fun of.
    By Jesse

  9. People try to fit in by changing there image into someone elses image. They try to act like someone else instead of there selves because they dont wantr to be different than everyone else.

  10. I think people mostly try to fit in just to get more attention. They think if you're not included in that "cool group" then they are not important. So they try to fit in by wearing the same clothes as everybody else, or doing their hair the same, or even maybe changing your personality just so you can be like everybody else. It's ok to change maybe one little thing, because everybody wants to have friends. But to change a lot of thing about yourself, or to change your personality is a bit to far. Nobody should have to change a lot just to fit in.

  11. I think some people try to fit in by changing their look, their opinions and sometimes even their interests. (Ex: Going in basketball because that's what everyone else is doing) Poeple want to fit in to certain groups to be "cool", but really the "cool" kids aren't any better than everyone else. I think most people want to feel accepted, but you should be accepted for who you are, not how you act or dress.

  12. People try to fit in. In all sorts of ways for examples sports if you arnt good at a sport but one of your friends are playing then you go play because you wanna fit in. People want to fit in with the COOL groups but there not better then anyone else and that what i think fitting in is all about i just think you should act the way you are and if people like you then they like you if not who cares!.

  13. People try to fit in by changing them selfs to be like other people. Or by doing thing that show thay can be like the ones thay want to fit in with. like changing ther looks or changing the way thay talk. Its little stuff like that. That people will try to fit in with other people. By Tyler

  14. I think people try to fit in by hanging out with people and copying them like dressing the same and doing the same things as them. people try to fit in because they will be more populer and cool and they dont get bullied as much if they are cooler.

  15. i think that people try to fit in by there image.people get new brnd name clothes becuase there "cool".they can change the way they act to fit in.people want to fit in becuase they want to feel wanted. by being part a big groupe of "cool" kids they feel cool or abouve everyone else and will have all the freinds in the world.

    by riley t.

  16. I think people try to fit in by changing who they are and what they wear. People change their style, hobbies, interests, music just to hang out with the "cool kids". People like people for who they are not who he or she try's to act and look like.

  17. People try to fit in by changing their personality, style, hair, clothes, looks and image. People hide their real personality behind an image they want to have to be accepted. I think people want to fit in to feel accepted and feel like they have lots of friends. People want to fit in to be popular, and be "Cool." I think people should act who they really are, someone will like you for who you are.
    By: Kim

  18. People try to fit in by changing what they wear.Also by acting like the people they want to hang out with.I think people act a diffrent way around certain people because they think these certain people are "cool" and they want to be wanted by the "cool" people.People also try fitting in by going in the same sport or club as everyone else even if they dont like that activity.People dye or style their hair a certain way because everyone else is doing it.I think some people are just afraid to be themselves because they know other people will judge them and make fun of them for being themselves.People make fun of other people for being themselves because the person making fun of them is insecure.I dont think people should have to change to fit in , people should be able to be themselves without being worried that they will be made fun of.

  19. I think people try to fit in by changing their clothes, their body and their personality. I think it's important to fit in because then they have friends, aren't loners and have a feeling of being wanted/ self confidence.


  20. Many people try to fit in by changing their image, clothes, and doing what the other person is doing even though its wrong. Sometimes people think they'll fit in if they get a peircing or tatoo or even doing something really stupid so these people will except them. Two girls might be doing something that everyone think is cool so everyone will join because if they don't they'll be afraid that they won't be excepted and will not be popular. I think that brand name clothes is a way to fit in too. If someone is wearing fox or roxy then they think they should wear it too. I think why most people fit in is becuase if they do fit in they feel a sense of belonging and feel wanted so people try to fit in to feel that way.
