Monday, August 30, 2010

Reader Response Letter

Today the students had time to work on the following:

1. Reader Response Letter - due September 1, 2010.  They have to select a piece of reading, which may be anything at grade leve inclduing novels, newspaper articles, magazine articles, poems, lyrics....  They need to write their response using friendly letter format.  The first paragraph of their letter needs to contain a summary of what they have read and the subsequent paragraphs need to be personal responses to the literature.  The students have been given a sample letter and twenty possible questions to begin their responses.  They only need to focus on two-three questions for each letter.
2. Visual/multimedia picture - the importance of being true to themselves.  This is part of the assignment from "Acceptance".
3. Short story: "Borders" - work following the story including listing five simple sentences and five complex sentences.

Mrs. Hiltz

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