Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 31

Today we read  "I Was a Teenage Ingenue" by Leah Ross

Before reading, "Teenage girls are only concerned with their image, and images of beauty and romance."  Answer with a few sentences.

We read the first part of the article together and the students finished.

After, students were asked to asnwer questions 1 and 2 following the article and 2b must have at least 15 colloquial words with defininitions.

They were also asked to answer:
- What does ingenue mean?
- What magazine had Ross hoped Ingenue would be modelled after and why?
- Why does Ross call herself an Ingenue at the end of the article?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Reader Response Letter

Today the students had time to work on the following:

1. Reader Response Letter - due September 1, 2010.  They have to select a piece of reading, which may be anything at grade leve inclduing novels, newspaper articles, magazine articles, poems, lyrics....  They need to write their response using friendly letter format.  The first paragraph of their letter needs to contain a summary of what they have read and the subsequent paragraphs need to be personal responses to the literature.  The students have been given a sample letter and twenty possible questions to begin their responses.  They only need to focus on two-three questions for each letter.
2. Visual/multimedia picture - the importance of being true to themselves.  This is part of the assignment from "Acceptance".
3. Short story: "Borders" - work following the story including listing five simple sentences and five complex sentences.

Mrs. Hiltz

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In Search of Self

Your first blogging assignment is to answer the following question:

How do people try to "fit in" and why do you think it is so important for most people to "fit in"?

Answer by commenting on this post.


We are beginning ELA Unit #1: In Search of Self
Grade 9 ELA

Today we read a short story, Acceptance, which is about 10 lines, and we just started answering the questions. Tomorrow we will finish the questions and work on an 8 ½ x 11 poster.

- Choose any computer program or just use pencil and colors.

- Illustrate the importance of being true to yourself.

- Your poster must contain a slogan.

- It must be original.

- You must create a rough draft in your notebooks.

- You must have at least one visual.

- You must consider the tone – (informal, funny…)

- Remember that you are communicated to their audience the importance of being true to yourself.

Posters must be handed in, our next selection will be Borders from our package.