Friday, February 11, 2011

Represenation Assignment

Grade Nine
Norse God Representation
Your assignment is select one Norse character, myth or Indigenous Narrative to represent.  There are many different variations of each of these so your assignment is to research your selection: read different versions, look at as many pictures or videos as you can and then create a something to represent you selection.
We will decide together the expectations and guidelines today.
You will be asked to work on this next week.

Norse Myths:

What is the difference between myths, fables and fairy tales?

List of Indigenous Narratives:


Norse Myths:

After our class today, we agreed that each student can decide how to create his/her representation.  This may be a hand drawing, a paint picture created on the computer, or a couple of slides on a Power Point.  The most important part of this respresentation is that it is STUDENT CREATED!!!  IT CANNOT BE JUST A GOOGLE IMAGE WITH A TITLE ADDED! 

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