Friday, February 11, 2011


Grade  9 ELA – Norse and Indigenous Narratives
You must ask a family member, preferably a grandparent, great aunt or uncle, to tell you a story.  This story must have special meaning to him or to her and reflect some important piece of history.  This person may be a “natural storyteller” or not.  Your assignment is to write the story down and then present it to the class as an oral story.  In addition, you must create a visual for the story.  This may be a photograph or two that you could scan and show on the SmartBoard.   Therefore your assignment has three parts:

Written Story: 
/2      jot notes from listening to the story
/3      rough draft of the story – 2 people need to proofread and sign
/5      good copy: coherence, organization
/2      mechanics – grammar, capitalization…

 Oral Presentation:
/2      memorization
/3      expression – the art of storytelling

/3      representation of the story

TOTAL:          /20


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