Monday, February 28, 2011

February 28 to March 4

This morning we will catch up on a few things and begin listening to the stories from the storytelling assignment.  Please encourage your grandparents (or other) to come in while their stories are being shared.
1- Norse God Representation
2- Storytelling
3- Grammar
4- Two sets of definitions
5- Reading two selections

Friday, February 11, 2011

Week of February 14-18th

1. Finish story map of Beowulf.
2. Finish two sheets of definitions: Beowulf and Norse characters.
3. Complete Story assignment.
4. Complete Representation Assignment
5. Grammar Handout

Represenation Assignment

Grade Nine
Norse God Representation
Your assignment is select one Norse character, myth or Indigenous Narrative to represent.  There are many different variations of each of these so your assignment is to research your selection: read different versions, look at as many pictures or videos as you can and then create a something to represent you selection.
We will decide together the expectations and guidelines today.
You will be asked to work on this next week.

Norse Myths:

What is the difference between myths, fables and fairy tales?

List of Indigenous Narratives:


Norse Myths:

After our class today, we agreed that each student can decide how to create his/her representation.  This may be a hand drawing, a paint picture created on the computer, or a couple of slides on a Power Point.  The most important part of this respresentation is that it is STUDENT CREATED!!!  IT CANNOT BE JUST A GOOGLE IMAGE WITH A TITLE ADDED! 


Grade  9 ELA – Norse and Indigenous Narratives
You must ask a family member, preferably a grandparent, great aunt or uncle, to tell you a story.  This story must have special meaning to him or to her and reflect some important piece of history.  This person may be a “natural storyteller” or not.  Your assignment is to write the story down and then present it to the class as an oral story.  In addition, you must create a visual for the story.  This may be a photograph or two that you could scan and show on the SmartBoard.   Therefore your assignment has three parts:

Written Story: 
/2      jot notes from listening to the story
/3      rough draft of the story – 2 people need to proofread and sign
/5      good copy: coherence, organization
/2      mechanics – grammar, capitalization…

 Oral Presentation:
/2      memorization
/3      expression – the art of storytelling

/3      representation of the story

TOTAL:          /20


Thursday, February 10, 2011


We watched the video today and read a summary.  We are working on a story map.  Tomorrow we will read a picture and complete some definitions.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Indigenous and Norse Narratives

We started listening and talking about storytelling today.
Students were asked to finish up sentence sheets - fragments, run-ons and comma splices.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Book Report

Due Thursday, February 3rd
/1 book choice (appropriate level)
/2 introduction - title, setting, characters, other books by the same author
/5 plot summary
/2 conclusion - how does the story end - character changes? development?
/5 persuasiveness and how the book fits into the theme

/2 fluency/rate
/2 volume
/2 clarity
/2 pronunciation
/2 expression
