Thursday, April 11, 2013

Book Representation

Grade Nine Book Project
Due Date: Thursday, April 11th
You must select and read any book of your choice.  The book must be at least 150 pages and it must be a new book that you begin now.  You must create a Power Point that has a minimum of 20 slides that represents this book.  You must include captions and pictures on each slide.  You can represent and talk about the novel in any way: plot, characters, point of view, setting, theme, mood, author, other novels by this author, scenes, quotes, favorite parts, researching a topic from the novel, etc...  There is no expectation to cover everything, except the audience must understand the entire novel.  There is an expectation to RESPOND to the novel.  What are your feelings about the topic/novel; how can you connect to the novel; can you learn anything from the novel...  You can refer to our reader response questions.

Power Point
/20       slides and overall content on each slide
/5         creativity and overall appearance
/5         covering what happened in the story
/5         grammar, spelling

/5         volume
/5         expression
/5         fluency and eye contact


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