Friday, September 14, 2012

In Search of Self

Jade Peony

The Jade Peony  by Wayson Choy
Write the sentence for each word and the write a definition for each:
1.     Ginseng (page 14)
2.     Sombre (page 14)
3.     Diminutive (page 14)
4.     Impeccable (page 14)
5.     Dissension (page 15)
6.     Menacing (page 15)
7.     Exasperation (page 15)
8.     Abomination (page 15)
9.     Embossed (page 15)
10.  Precariously (page 16)
11.  Deftly (page 18)
At the end of the story – on page 21, answer questions 1a, b, c, d and e. 
Sketch a picture of the death chimes.

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