Friday, September 28, 2012

- one song lyric assignment
- rainbows
- newspaper articles
- reader response letters - due Monday
- book talks - due Tuesday and Wednesday


I am helping a friend out and asking everyone to help out! Could everyone, including you big kids, drarainw a simple picture of a rainbow and mail it to Patricia Verhelst Box 355, Radville, SK S0C 2G0 by next week and she will send them all in together. There is a little girl in Saskatoon who is sick who wishes to get a rainbow from everyone in the world. Please write your name and where you are from on it. Lets make a wish come true if it was your child you would want that! Thanks everyone and please copy and paste this to help spread the word.

Friday, September 21, 2012


- Find a song for your lyric assignment this weekend.

On Monday
- song lyric assignment
- newspaper article "On the Sidewalk Bleeding"
- correct parts of speech poster
- book talk

Friday, September 14, 2012

In Search of Self

Jade Peony

The Jade Peony  by Wayson Choy
Write the sentence for each word and the write a definition for each:
1.     Ginseng (page 14)
2.     Sombre (page 14)
3.     Diminutive (page 14)
4.     Impeccable (page 14)
5.     Dissension (page 15)
6.     Menacing (page 15)
7.     Exasperation (page 15)
8.     Abomination (page 15)
9.     Embossed (page 15)
10.  Precariously (page 16)
11.  Deftly (page 18)
At the end of the story – on page 21, answer questions 1a, b, c, d and e. 
Sketch a picture of the death chimes.


Grade Nine
“In Search of Self”
Song Lyric Analysis Assignment

“Nothing separates the generations more than music.  By the time a child is eight or nine, he has developed a passion for his own music that is even stronger that his passions for procrastination and weird clothes.”      Bill Cosby
Your assignment is to find a song that speaks to you and helps to define yourself and all that you are.  Find the song and lyrics.   Summarize what the song is about and then write how it relates to you.  You must present the song to the class,  present the summary and how it relates to you and who you are.
You will be graded on the following:
/2        presenting/playing the song for the class – be prepared
/3        song lyrics – hand in with rhyming pattern labelled
/5        summary of the song – read aloud for the class
/5        paragraph or more of how the song relates to you and your life
/3        delivery – volume, speed, eye contact…

/18                  Total
- Reading for book talk project
- reviewed quized
- orally reviewed the eight parts of speech

Next Week -
Literature Selections:
Our Appearance, Living Life to the Max and Jade Peony

Continue with parts of speech and apostrphes, a second quiz on literary devices, working on book talk and song anaylsis assignment.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



We had a practice quiz on the ten literary devices that we have learned, finished our posters and worked on the two comprehension questions at the end of the story, Borders.

If finished:
- reading for book project
- reader response letters
- all about me project

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday, September 10

Last Friday, we learned seven figures of speech.  We wrote about them and gave examples.  Missing students need to get these notes.

We also finished reading the short story, Borders, by Thomas King.

On Monday, we will learn about three more literary devices or figures of speech.  Then we will make posters on two or three of them. 

We will also have some comprehension questions on the story, Borders.

We will go over the book assignment and the expectations for Reader Response letters that will be due at the beginning of each month.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Grade 9 English Language Arts

Welcome Back!!!!

Tuesday, September 4th and Wednesday, September 5th

We have a general assembly scheduled for Period 2 on Tuesday, so we may or may not have ELA class, depending on when the assembly is finished.

We will complete the following:
- Course outline
- literary devices - notes and examples
- reading response letters - introduction
- Daily Journal - use of blogs - discussions - has anyone tried?  twitter?
- informal reading comprehension - listening skills
- begin the unit "All That I am - In Search of Self"