Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Book Report Video

Grade Nine
Book Report/Video Assignment
Due:  January 27, 2012

Your assignment is to read a book of your choice, minimum of 150 pages.  When you are finished reading, you must prepare a news report in the form of a video.  You must outline the entire plot, and convince/persuade someone to read the novel.

You will be graded on the following:

/1        book choice (150 pages)
/2        introduction (including title, setting, other books by the same author)
/2        Characters and description
/5        plot outline/summary
/2        conclusion
             /5       persuasiveness

            /2        fluency/rate
            /2        volume
            /2        clarity
            /2        expression

            /5        Video - creativity, background, pictures, etc

            /30      Total

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