Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Book Talk

Grade Nine
Book Report/Talk Assignment
Due:  November 21st

Your assignment is to read a book of your choice, related to the theme “Conflicts, Issues and Challenges: Making the Right Choice”.  When you are finished reading, you must prepare a book talk to deliver to the class.  You must outline the entire plot, and convince/persuade someone to read the novel.

You will be graded on the following:

/1       book choice
/2      introduction (including title, setting, other books by the same author) – see blog for extra assistance
/5      plot outline/summary
/2      conclusion
           /5      persuasiveness and how the book fits into the theme
           /5      oral reading of a selected page

          /2      fluency/rate
          /2      volume
          /2      clarity
          /2      pronunciation
          /2      expression

          /30    Total

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