Monday, November 28, 2011


We will be working on reading some poems from the Unit Issues, Challenges and Conflicts.  Students will have a few questions to answer, with a partner and then will be asked to write a poem about a current issue.

Later this week:
The Highway Man

Sunday, November 27, 2011

This Week

Thank you to everyone for coming out to conferences!  The kids did a great job!  Please remember if you have specific issues or concerns to call me directly or send an email to

This week will continue to read selections from our unit Conflicts, Challenges and Issues: Doing the Right Thing.
We will start the week with Stephen Harper's public apology regarding residential schooling.  We will then continue to read some of the selections from the Crossroads anthology.

Also - start another novel for a book report that will be due right before Christmas!

Monday, November 21, 2011


Today we worked on getting our folders ready for student conferences, and then did some work on our book reports.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Book Project

Book Projects - Conflicts, Issues, Challenges: Doing the Right Thing
Due Wednesday, November 23rd.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Students need to make sure that they have a book to read for their book report due next week.
Today we went over "And the Lucky Winner Is" and finished "Signposts" - both from Crossroads.
Tomorrow we will listen to articles about residential schools and read orally "In the Silence".

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This Week

We are working on:
- reading for our book reports
- stories from Unit - Conflicts, Issues and Challenges: Making the Right Choice: 
"And the Lucky Winner Is"
"Signposts on The Journey"

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Book Talk

Grade Nine
Book Report/Talk Assignment
Due:  November 21st

Your assignment is to read a book of your choice, related to the theme “Conflicts, Issues and Challenges: Making the Right Choice”.  When you are finished reading, you must prepare a book talk to deliver to the class.  You must outline the entire plot, and convince/persuade someone to read the novel.

You will be graded on the following:

/1       book choice
/2      introduction (including title, setting, other books by the same author) – see blog for extra assistance
/5      plot outline/summary
/2      conclusion
           /5      persuasiveness and how the book fits into the theme
           /5      oral reading of a selected page

          /2      fluency/rate
          /2      volume
          /2      clarity
          /2      pronunciation
          /2      expression

          /30    Total

The Breadwinner

Students are writing a formal essay on the novel and completing their group projects.

The Breadwinner Essay
Grade Nine English

Your assignment is to answer the following question.

“What can we learn from this novel?”  OR “What does this novel teach us?”

Example: The novel The Breadwinner shows how Parvana’s family fights to survive living under Taliban rule in Afghanistan.

Example: It is clearly evident in the novel, The Breadwinner, that women are treated very differently than men and they have fewer rights than Canadian women.

Your essay must consist of at least five paragraphs, the first will be the introduction, the middle paragraphs will be the body paragraphs (the reasons to support your statement) and the last paragraph will be the conclusion. 

You will be graded on the following:

          /5       Outline and rough copy
/2       Title page with original title
          /3       Introductory paragraph with the novel title and author cited
          /9       content and organization of body paragraphs
          /2       use of at least one quote to support the essay (inc. pg number)
          /5       mechanics – spelling, grammar, double spaced
          /5       rough copy(s) with EDITING
          /2       concluding paragraph – summarizing essay in an original way
          /2       effort and attitude

          /35     TOTAL

Test is tomorrow - Thursday, November 10th.

Essays and group projects are due on Monday, November 14th.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Breadwinner Essay

Today we will go over the basic formal essay and students will be assigned an essay to write on the novel.  Tomorrow and Wednesday students will be able to work on their group projects and their essays.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Students are working on The Breadwinner group assignment.
Use the following website for the plot line.

Project -
1. 3 pictures of Afghan clothing
2. Map of Afghanistan
3. Venn Diagram comparing your life to Parvana's life.
4. Plot line.


Test - next week - Wednesday.
Essay on novel - Monday

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Reader Response Letters due today.

We are reading The Breadwinner - Chapters 7, 8 and 9 today.