Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Grade 9 Book Report

Grade Nine Book Report
Select an age-appropriate book that you have never read and create a poster that includes each of the following.  The poster needs to be large bristle board paper.
/2            Title and Author
/2            Information about the author including other books that he/she has published
/3            Setting – where, when and mood (general feeling a reader gets from the story).
/5            List of main characters, no more than five, with a short description for each – identify the protagonist (main character – hero) and the antagonist (the person or thing fighting against the protagonist).
/6            Conflict – list 3-5 conflicts from the story.  Explain and label each.  (person vs person, person vs self, person vs society, person vs nature)
/2            Point of View – state the point of view – the angle from which the story is told:  first –person: one of the characters is telling the story using “I”; third-person: someone outside the story is telling it – She walked slowly, wishing she could turn.  There are three types of third-person: omniscient (know all about every character), limited omniscient (know the thoughts and feelings of one character), and camera-view (objective and unemotional).
/10         Plot : exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.  Explain in sentences or use a diagram.  Exposition is the beginning – often the initiating event (what gets the story going).
/5            Visuals – at least five pictures – that must be hand drawn (they may be traced)
/2            Description of favourite part
/2            Personal response to the book –
/3            Spelling, Capitalization, grammar
/3            Neatness and Overall Appearance

/5            Volume
/5            Expression
/5            Eye Contact and Fluency

TOTAL - /60

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