Thursday, January 13, 2011

Book Report

Select a book to read that can be related to Conflicts, Issues and Choices - Doing the Right Thing.
What plan should you follow when writing a book report?
Book reports may vary greatly in subject and in style. However, almost all book reports may follow a simple plan which will include the following three-part pattern of organization: introduction, body and conclusion.
  1. Introduction

    The first section of a book report consists of a simple paragraph that introduces the topic and the main idea of the book report. The introduction includes the title of the book, the author's name and topic or theme. In fiction writing, it may also identify the characters (persons represented in a drama or story) and the setting. If the author has written other similar works, include that mention here or in the conclusion. The most important sentence is the thesis statement, the sentence that tells the main idea of the book report.
  2. Body

    The middle section consists of three or more developmental paragraphs.
    • The first paragraph is a synopsis or brief summary of the book organized in the same order as the book itself.
    • The next two or three body paragraphs explain topics related to the subject matter of your class. Organize them in order of importance: easy to understand first, followed by the unknown, complicated, difficult to understand.
    • Develop each paragraph using a topic sentence followed by supporting details which explain or support the topic sentence, transition words to link the details and a concluding statement.
    • Add direct quotations from the book to support the general statements and to lend authenticity to the report.
  3. ConclusionThe final section consists of a single brief paragraph. It reveals the book's contribution and the reader's reaction to the book as it relates to the subject-matter of the class. The most important sentence in the conclusion restates and emphasizes the main idea of the book report. That sentence is called the concluding statement.12

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