Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Block #4

Your group must choose one of the following:

A. Summary - Summarize the main events of Part #2 in point form.  You must write a rough copy and a good copy.  The good copy must be typed or neatly writted and should not be longer than one page.  Each person must attach his/her rough copy.  You may not choose this one if you did a summary for Block#2.

B. Paragraph - Answer the following question with a well-organized paragraph.  You must include a title page, rough copies and good copy.  You may not choose this one again (from block #2).
The Cage- Riva is a strong and determined young woman.  Support this statement in a well-organized paragraph and use supporting ideas from the entire novel.
Daniel's Story - Daniel has painfully survived the separation of his girfriend along with many family members.  Support this statement in a well organized paragraph and include supports from the entire novel.

C. Art Project - a coloured photo album - hand drawn - a minimum of five snapshots.

D. Art Project - Individual colored posters to portray the PLOT of the novel.  One person can draw the setting, on person - rising action...

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