Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Block #4

Your group must choose one of the following:

A. Summary - Summarize the main events of Part #2 in point form.  You must write a rough copy and a good copy.  The good copy must be typed or neatly writted and should not be longer than one page.  Each person must attach his/her rough copy.  You may not choose this one if you did a summary for Block#2.

B. Paragraph - Answer the following question with a well-organized paragraph.  You must include a title page, rough copies and good copy.  You may not choose this one again (from block #2).
The Cage- Riva is a strong and determined young woman.  Support this statement in a well-organized paragraph and use supporting ideas from the entire novel.
Daniel's Story - Daniel has painfully survived the separation of his girfriend along with many family members.  Support this statement in a well organized paragraph and include supports from the entire novel.

C. Art Project - a coloured photo album - hand drawn - a minimum of five snapshots.

D. Art Project - Individual colored posters to portray the PLOT of the novel.  One person can draw the setting, on person - rising action...

Christmas Creative Writing Story

Required Elements:
/2 - brainstorming - web or linear
/2 - drafting rough copy - may be hand written or typed
/2 - proofreading/editing - must be proof on rough copy
/4 - two people must edit and sign the rough copy - using two different colors
- good copy - minimum 1500 words - typed and double spaced; story must be true;
/1 - title page;
/5 - plot - creative, logical and well organized;
/3 - mechanics - spelling, punctuation and gramma
/3 - visual representation of story
/3 - oral presentation of story - volume, fluency and expression
/5 - listening to other student stories - notes on each

/30  TOTAL

Monday, December 6, 2010

Daniel's Story and The Cage

Working on literature cirlces.  Students are finishing up Block #2 and #3.  Syd, Riley T, Preston, Ally, Tyler and Tyra - need to catch up.

Students have to finish to the end of Block #4 by Friday.

Test on Monday.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Literature Circle

Students are reading either The Cage or Daniel's Story within a group for this week and completing a few activities together.  Students may choose to read the other novel if they finish the first.


Students must hand in their reader response letter which is due today.

We will finish the selections from Making Choices next week.