Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Breadwinner Test will be Monday, November 22.  You need to learn the vocabulary words in the back of the novel and be able to answer any comprehension questions about the novel.

Group Project:
1- Danette, James and Riley G
2- Keirstin, Justin and Tyra
3- Syd, Tylynne and Jesse
4 - Alex, Mikayla and Danny
5 - Shania, Tyler and Marcie
6- Riley T, Stephanie and Shayla
7- Ally, Tristin, Preston and Kim

Project -
1- Plot outline on poster paper
2-Hand drawn pictures of Afghan clothing
3-Hand drawn map of Afghanistan with all bordering coutnries labeled
4- Venn diagram of your life compared to Parvana's - on poster paper.

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