Monday, June 18, 2012

Movie Review


View and demonstrate comprehension of visual and multimedia texts to synthesize and summarize ideas from multiple visual and multimedia sources.

Create and present a variety of visual and multimedia presentations including addressing various audiences for one proposal


PART ONE: Information
Write a short paragraph including the name of the movie, the director, producer, the three top stars, and the year of release. Also include when and where you watched the film and any special comments (was it in more than one part, was it part of a series, was it based on a novel, etc.) In your case, it is based on a novel.
PART TWO: The Plot
In no more than one good paragraph, retell the plot. Of course, you will not be able to give all the details. Just condense the main story line into 5-8 sentences.
PART THREE: The Setting
When and where was the movie set? If several locations were used, were they all depicted realistically? (Were there forests, mountains, rivers, etc. where they should have been for the real setting?) How long a time span did it cover? Were the houses, furnishings, foods, tools, weapons, clothes, hairstyles, shoes, streets, etc. shown with accuracy? Give some examples of period props you think were especially well or especially poorly presented.
PART FOUR: Curriculum Connections: 
Answer the following questions with a good paragraph:
Do you think that this futuristic novel could actually occur? 
Imagining the future and other worlds:
¨      Would there ever be a need to live underground?
¨      What elements are of the story are believable?  Not believable?
¨      What decisions might people have to make to survive in the future?

PART FIVE: Evaluation
Give an evaluation of the film. Don't just say, "I liked it because it was a good movie," or "I hated it because it was boring." Like a real film critic, point out the strengths and weaknesses of the movie. Which actors did a good job and which were inadequate? Were there places where the plot was vague, too slow, or too fast? Were there stereotyped roles or rounded characterizations? Did the story build to a logical climax and resolve itself satisfactorily? Did it hold the viewer's interest uniformly? Why? If the film was done many years ago, would it be done differently now? Why? Did the film make the viewer more aware of history or just confuse the issue? What would have made the film better? Would you recommend the film to another student? Why?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Short Stories
Morning Class:

1. "The Day the Martian Landed" by Pierre Burton
               - Page 122 Crossroads
               - Responding to the Selection - Page 125 - 1a, b, c and d
2. "Moon Maiden" by Alsion Baird
               - Page 128 Crossroads -
“Moon Maiden”
Vocabulary – ten highlighted plus five more – write sentence and definition.
1.       attired – page 127
2.       claustrophobic – page 127
3.       regolith – pate 128
4.       demented – page 128
5.       tranquility – page 129
6.       kimono – page 129
7.       immobilized – page 130
8.       entreaty – page 130
9.       eccentrics – page 131
10.   flotsam – page 131
11.   Artemis – page 131
12.   attired – page 132
13.   restorative – page 132
14.   lunatic – page 133
15.   hallucinations – page 133
16.   maiden – page 133
17.   bore – page 133
18.   reminiscent – page 133
19.   realm – page 134
20.   repository – page 134
21.   exiled – page 134
22.   mortal – page 134
23.   dismissive – page 134
24.   desolate – page 135
25.   grandeur – page 135
26.   barren – page 135
27.   intrusion – page 136
28.   insubstantial – page 136
29.   solidified – page 136
30.   mottled – page 136
31.   lichen – page 136
32.   regolith – page 136
33.   summit – page 136
34.   pagoda – page 136
35.   mesmerized – page 138
36.    cumbersome – page 138
37.   figurine – page 139
38.   exquisite – page 139

               - Responding to the Story - 1a, b, c, d, e (Do 1a - list sequence of story events - 5-10 points)

This afternoon's Class:

 Book projects - reading/publisher newsletter