Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today we studied Sonnet 29 and Iambic Pentameter.  Tomorrow we will read Sonnet 73.
We also read 1.1 orally and worked on comprehension questions.

Sonnet 73:

Monday, April 16, 2012

Viewing Movie

Grade 9 English Language Arts
Viewing Movie – Romeo and Juliet
Print neatly and legibly – you may use phases/points.

Memorable Old English words or phrases with possible meaning.
Character names with descriptions
Different scenes? Add a short description
What kinds of clothing did you view?  Colors, type, etc…
Character Conflicts
Other – questions, comments, ideas, etc…


Grade Nine
Shakespeare Webquest Assignment

Your group web quest involves the following:  You may create a word document, PowerPoint, movie, etc to share your information.

Group Member #1: research and display pictures with captions of clothes that were worn in Europe, more specifically England, during Shakespeare’s time.

Group Member #2: research and display pictures and /or recipes with captions of the types of food that was eaten in Europe during Shakespeare’s time.

Group Member #3: research and display pictures with captions of the Globe Theatre.

Group Member #4: research and display pictures and information about all of Shakespeare’s plays.

You may use any other website for your research BUT you must make of list of all of the websites that you use.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Back to School

Grade 9,

Ensure that you have emailed your book report to me by the end of the day tomorrow: Monday, April 16th. 

Also, ensure that you have corrected your paragraph and handed in - by the end of the day tomorrow.

Tomorrow we will begin Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rubric Book Representation



Title is present and contains title, author, and student names
Title is present but lacks complete information
Title is present, but lacks much of the required information
Title page is present, but contains no information

Setting contains all necessary information
Setting is described adequately and contains most of the information
Setting is incomplete or inaccurate
Setting contains little or no information

Main characters are completely described including comparisons, contrasts, and complete character sketches
Characters are adequately described and character sketches of main characters include a few comparisons
Character descriptions are incomplete or inadequate
Little or no information about the main characters is included

Complete plot, including problem/conflict resolution, including highlighting major events
Adequate plot summary including some events
Incomplete plot summary and incomplete or inaccurate
Inadequate plot summary

Connection to Unit of Study
Extensive responses and connections to the theme of study
Proficient/adequate connections
Limited connections to the unit of study
No connections.

Overall Appearance
Extensive creativity, color and thoughtfulness in the overall presentation including graphics
Proficient appearance, including background color, adequate spacing of words of slides, graphics, etc
Limited understanding of presentation style of the representation
Very weak, needs improvement in the understanding of a representation

No mechanical errors
Few mechanical errors
Some mechanical error but do not interfere with the readability
Many errors and difficult to read


The Most Dangerous Game

We read the graphic version today together on the Smart Board.  Tomorrow we will read the full length version and do some comprehension activities.

Also, the students need to select a novel to read that fits into our theme.  The book needs to be at least 150 pages!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Book Project

Characters - describe - 3
Plot - 5
Color and Creativity - 5
Setting - 2
How it Fits into Theme -2
Mechanics - 3


Romeo and Juiliet


This Week

Today we have two classes  and tomorrow we have one English class.  Students need to hand in The Most Dangerous questions and map today.

Students must finish the SCC story competition and book projects by Monday, April 16th at 9:00am.  Please email me assignments as you complete them.