Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday


1. "Most Dangerous Game" - question sheets with rough copy of island
"Most Dangerous Game" - poster - of the island:  color and label the island and mark Rainsford's path.

2. Reading Surving and Conquering book for book report.  Book Report can be power point, movie, poster or news report. 

3. SCC Story Competition

Friday, March 23, 2012

Surviving and Conquering

Survivors never give up, no matter what difficulties they find themselves facing. The word "survival" literally means "to live" but also implies the triumph of the spirit and the body over formidable obstacles. As individuals and as groups, people face physical, emotional, and social difficulties that force them to survive and, indeed, conquer. They must draw on their inner resources and overcome the obstacles. In their attempt to survive, they often learn a great deal about themselves and others.
Possible Questions for Deeper Understanding:
  • What does it take to survive on planet Earth and in our society?
  • What kinds of survival challenges have others faced?
  • What decisions do people have to make to survive?
  • How can we help one another survive?
  • Why is it important to do more than just survive?


SCC Writing Competition
The SCC is giving all students  the opportunity to write and enter a fictional story OR poem in a competition.  The story or poem must include a positive, valuable lesson.   Each entry MUST include evidence of the writing process.  Entries cannot be longer than 500 words!  Deadline for all entries in Thursday, April 5th. 
Grade 1/2—$25.00
Grade 3/4—$25.00
Grade 5/6—$25.00
Grades 7-9—$100.00
Grades 10-12—$100.00

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Group Project

Group Representation:

1.      Illustrations – minimum 5
2.       Memorable Quotes - minimum three
3.      Plot Line - well labelled
4.      Characters – list of all characters;  illustration and/or description
5.       Setting - description and/or illustrations
6.       Best Part
7.       Carl Marx's quote and comment on class struggle
8.      Character Sketch – of one character

Monday, March 12, 2012

Book Project

Select a book that directly supports the theme Survival and Conquering by the end of the week.  Parts of speech quiz tomorrow and a test on the novel The Hunger Games in the next few days - as soon as we finish.

Hunger Games - select a powerful quote from the story to represent the theme and illustrate.  Include the title of the novel and the author.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hunger Games

Survival Unit

We finished up to Chapter 13, and we will try to finish the novel next week.  Continue to create character sketches and chapter summaries.
March Reader responses due March 2.
Parts of Speech work continued.