Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Brainstorming/review of what do if a stranger approaches and/or attempts of an abduction.

Writing Activity  - Visual Prompt
for writing improvement team

Hunger Games - students were asked to finish reading chapter 5.  We will continue with Chapter 6.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Hunger Games
Chapter One:
The story begins with Katniss Everdeen, who is sixteen years of age, and her family that consists of her mother and her twelve-year old sister, Primrose.  Her father was killed in a mine explosion a few years earlier.  She and her family live in District 12, which is a futuristic province-like dictatorship in the country of Panem.  She and her friend, Gale who is eighteen, need to hunt illegally to keep their families alive.  They all attend the annual reaping which is a ceremony to select one boy and one girl for the “Hunger Games”.  These games are a method to keep their citizens in line.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Test tomorrow :)

Hand in all notes from unit tomorrow after your exam.

Starting Survival Unit on Monday - Hunger Games

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Most of you have likely heard about Abigail Roberts.  She was a former student of ours and is currently in Grade 5.  She had a brain tumor removed last month and is about to undergo, what could be, up to 14 months of Chemotherapy and Radiation.  We are trying to each raise some money for Abi this week.  Please help out if you can to support Abi.

Grade 9


"Tlingit National Anthem"
Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief
"The Beginning of Things"
"The Gift of Stories, The Gift of Breath"
"White Stone Canoe"
"Magic Millstones"
"Savitri and Satyavan"
"Water, Moon and Sun"
"That Wascawwy Rabbit"

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Famous Monsters

Your assignment is to research a famous monster and create a visual.  You must include:

Sketch a picture
Ten Facts
Movies/books using the monster

What was the purpose/significance of this monster (storytelling - history)?