Sunday, October 23, 2011


Today we will go over:
"Taste of Melon" - hand back assignments and go over
"How to Tell Renata" - and finish - questions and journal entry

Silent reading of the short story "The Game" by Ken Dryden.  Students have to select five words that they do not understand, write the sentence, circle or underline the word and then write a definition.  Then students must select one of the following activities to complete:
Outline all of the qualities of the "sports hero" or celebrity identified by Dryden.  Select a sports figure, and compare Dryden's description.  Create a chart to show your findings. 

Work on Remembrance Day - poem or essay.
Test tomorrow -  students must hand in all notes - organized and complete.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Today we worked on:
- listening activity-I read "Long, Long After School" and they had to listen. After listening, they had to answer ten questions.
- reading comprehension activity - half a page with ten questions
- talked about reading to Seniors
- starting reading "Taste of Melon" with reading strategy prediction chart. We will finish this tomorrow.

Test - Monday, October 24th on everything that we have studied "In Search of Self".

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14

Today we finished reading "Golden Girl" silently and finished the assignment - graphic organizer and five comprehension questions.  Assignments need to be handed in when completed.

Then we went to the library to select things to read to the Seniors on Monday for Education Week.

Next week we will try to finish the selections from the Unit In Search of Self, and plan to have a test the following week.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, October 11th

Today we completed a short work sheet on sentence fragments; tomorrow we will work on run-ons.  We also went to the computer lab to continue our drafts for our personal stories/anecdotes. 

These are due on Thursday, October 13th!

Tomorrow we will read two short poems and create a visual representation for one of them.